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Mar, 2018

Dana Hills Spring Sports Preview: Dolphins look for success this season

Boys Lacrosse 

The Dana Hills boys lacrosse team only has three seniors, but it’s a group whose talent level excites coach Chris Iltis.

“It’s a young team, but it’s the best crew I’ve seen come through here in my five years at Dana Hills,” Iltis said. “The most experience group we’ve had for how young they are. We’re coming from cultivating our youth club team. A lot of these kids I’ve coached since sixth or seventh grade.”

The Dolphins will be led by a strong attacking unit up front including last year’s leading scorer, Tommy Ferry. Ferry is also a hockey player for the district Capistrano United team in the Anaheim Ducks high school league.

“We have a stronger attack unit than in years past,” Iltis said. “They have a strong lacrosse IQ. We have that tactical advantage of guys that know where to be and how to execute.”

Sam Martin is the offensive captain for Dana Hills. The Dolphins also have strong freshman contributors in Dylan Iltis and Ryan Allain.

Senior Grant Shobar is the senior team captain and holds down a strong defensive unit.

Dana Hills opens its league season at San Clemente on March 20.

The Dolphins are also hosting four “Friday Night Face-Off” games this season. Dana Hills beat San Juan Hills in the first of the four games on March 2. The Dolphins host Norco on March 9, University on March 16 and Crean Lutheran on April 20.


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